The Chugach Baidarka, The Story of Chenega 1933-2012

Mitch Poling (Contributor)
Steve Vlasoff (Contributor)
Steve Brizkaloff (Contributor)
Alexi Steve (Contributor)
Sam Riboloff (Contributor)
Charlie Selanoff (Contributor)
Pete Selanoff (Contributor)
Nellie Evanoff (Contributor)
George Chernoff (Contributor)
Nicholas Kompkoff (Contributor)
Donald S. Kompkoff (Contributor)
Jack Evanoff (Contributor)
This document was made by Mitch Poling and is a historical account of his experience growing up in Chenega and revitalizing baidarka/qayaq building in the Chugach region at Nuuciq Spirit Camp on Hinchinbrook Island and in Chenega. 
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Mitch Poling
baidarka, qayaq, kayak
Copyright Mitch Poling
Chenega/Ingam-atya (Related)
Nuuciq/Nuchek (Related)

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