Instructor's Notebook: How to Apply TPR for Best Results

"Targeted to the foreign language teacher, this is a comprehensive guide for the implementation of the Total Physical Response (TPR) approach to second language learning. Preliminary chapters explain the theoretical bases of TPR and the factors that must be present for its effectiveness, e.g., an affective classroom atmosphere and appropriate seating arrangement. Sample lessons are provided for the initial class sessions. A description of materials needed is included and illustrated. The basic principles of TPR are enumerated with practical examples of how these function in the classroom setting. A section on speaking, reading and writing describes the teaching/learning transition between listening/understanding/modeling and language production. Specific lesson plans and how to create them are detailed. A plethora of TPR games (such as bingo and hangman) is provided in one section. The testing section has sample exams and explains how to assess the different aspects of language learning and distinct levels of proficiency. A bibliography offers additional readings; appendices include vocabulary lists, scenarios, and tests, all in Spanish. (VDF)." - From Publisher

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