Guidelines for Preparing Culturally Responsive Teachers for Alaska's Schools

Alaska Native Language Center (ANLC) (Creator)

he following guidelines address issues of concern in the preparation of teachers who will be expected to teach students from diverse backgrounds in a culturally responsive and educationally healthy way. Special attention is given to the preparation of Native and non-Native teachers for small rural schools in Alaska. The guidelines are presented as they relate to each of the Alaska Teacher Standards, taking into consideration the Alaska Standards for Culturally Responsive Schools and the Alaska Student Content Standards. It is intended that all teachers in Alaska be prepared in such a way that they are able to demonstrate a high level of proficiency in all of these standards, and that programs preparing educators in Alaska incorporate these guidelines as outcome indicators in their planning and implementation.

The purpose of these guidelines is to offer assistance to personnel associated with teacher education and staff development programs in addressing the special considerations that come into play when seeking to prepare educators who are able to incorporate the Alaska Standards for Culturally Responsive Schools in their work. Using the Alaska Teacher Standards as a framework, these guidelines provide specific indicators for determining the enhanced knowledge and skills that culturally responsive teachers need above and beyond the performance indicators stipulated by the State. While each of these indicators should be given explicit attention during the pre-service and inservice preparation of teachers, many of them will benefit as well from continued individual attention throughout a teacher’s professional career.

Along with these "guidelines" are a set of "general recommendations" aimed at stipulating the kind of programs and policies that need to be in place if the Alaska Standards for Culturally Responsive Schools are to achieve the goals for which they are intended. The Alaska Department of Education, universities and school districts are all encouraged to review their policies, programs and practices and to adopt these recommendations wherever possible. By doing so, all of Alaska’s children will benefit." - From Publisher

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Alaska Native Language Center