Photograph 2021.001.035

A photograph of Peter Anahonak Sr (right) at Isaac Moonin's house in Port Graham around Christmas time. Alice Moonin is visible in the photograph hanging on the wall.

A photograph of Peter Anahonak Sr (right) at Isaac Moonin's house in Port Graham around Christmas time. Alice Moonin is visible in the photograph hanging on the wall. The starring tradition involves two groups that bring stars from house to house in opposite directions. When the stars meet up, the stars "kiss," spin, and then people start singing.  


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Peter Anahonak (Related)
Isaac Moonin (Related)
Alice Moonin (Related)
Born Digital
Chugachmiut Heritage Preservation
© 2021 Chugachmiut Heritage Preservation
Gift of the Family of Vera Meganack
Paluwik/Port Graham (Related)