Field Guide to Bird Nests and Eggs of Alaska's Coastal Tundra, Second Edition

This guide reviews more than 70 coastal tundra birds and their nests and eggs. The range includes the Alaska Peninsula, Bering and Chukchi sea coasts, and east along the Arctic coastal plain past the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.

Illustrated with hundreds of photographs of birds, nests, nesting habitat, eggs, feathers, and wings of over 70 species, this easy-to-use book provides an efficient way to identify nests and eggs of birds on Alaska's coastal tundra. Its range includes the Alaska Peninsula, the Bering and Chukchi sea coasts, and east along the Arctic Coastal Plain past the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to the Canadian border. The book is constructed with tough, waterproof paper.

This guide reviews more than 70 coastal tundra birds and their nests and eggs. The range includes the Alaska Peninsula, Bering and Chukchi sea coasts, and east along the Arctic coastal plain past the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.
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Alaska Sea Grant College Program
Gathering Eggs
© 2005 Alaska Department of Fish and Game
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