Yuungnaqpiallerput: The Way We Genuinely Live: Masterworks of Yup'ik Science and Survival

In this book, Yup'ik Elders describe and explain tools and their daily use, including the traditional science that developed these technologies and the overlap between Yup'ik material culture and cosmology and traditional spiritual values.

In this book, Yup'ik Elders describe and explain tools and their daily use, including the traditional science that developed these technologies. The Elders also explain the overlap between Yup'ik material culture and cosmology and traditional spiritual values. Featuring high resolution photographs of museum artifacts, this book offers an in depth look into traditional tools and the technology behind survival in an extreme climate. 

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University of Washington Press in association with the Anchorage Museum Association and Calista Elders Council
© 2017 Anchorage Museum Association
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