The Tlingit Indians

This anthropological work was begun by Lieutenant George Thornton Emmons and finished by Frederica de Laguna. Emmons was stationed in Alaska during the 1880s and 1890s, a time when the Navy was largely responsible for American law in the Territory.

This anthropological work was begun by Lieutenant George Thornton Emmons and finished by Frederica de Laguna. Emmons was stationed in Alaska during the 1880s and 1890s, a time when the Navy was largely responsible for American law in the Territory. He began to write a comprehensive book compiling his papers and work, but passed away before it was completed. 

Frederica de Laguna, eminent ethnologist and archaeologist, was asked by the American Museum of Natural History to edit and complete the work. This book discusses a wide array of traditional practices and topics including housing, travel and transportation, fishing and hunting, food, art, clothing, ceremonies, war and peace, medicine, shamanism and games.

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University of Washington Press
© 1991 American Museum of Natural History