Chenega As I Saw It - It's People

Bobby A. Stamp (Creator)
This book is written from the 1974 notes of Bobby Stamp and capture valuable knowledge pertaining to traditional life in Chenega.

According to the book's preface, Bobby Stamp stated in 1974:

"These notes are for a story that I have been putting together from memories. I am writing this in the memory of those who's [sic] perished in the village of Chenega. It's where I spent my boyhood.

The whole village was destroyed by the 1964 earthquake. One third of the population was swept to the sea in that tidal wave, as I was told by some that were there. The wave came about a minute after the quake.

The village was located on the sea coast about twenty to thirty feet above sea level and the wave was about ninety feet high. The only building left was the school house which is about 130 feet above the sea level."


This book is written from the 1974 notes of Bobby Stamp. Bobby Stamp was born on February 26, 1926 and died on July 17, 2005. He started living in Chenega when he was seven years old. He learned from village Elders and documented the knowledge that Elders took the time to share with him. Topics that the book covers include: Whale hunting, hunting, sea otter hunting, fishing, beliefs, old stories, church, bidarki, families/clans, and subsistence. 

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Prince William Sound Sugt'stun Dialect (PWS)
Chugach Alaska Corporation
Content Warning: 1964 Earthquake & Tsunami
© 2010 Chugach Alaska Corporation
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Content Warning: 1964 Earthquake & Tsunami