Berry Magic:

Based on a folktale as told by Betty Huffmon, this story is about a girl who decides to use her magic to help the ladies pick berries for the Fall Festival.

Based on a folktale as told by Betty Huffmon, this story is about a girl who decides to use her magic to help the ladies pick berries for the Fall Festival. Anana sings under the full moon -- turning four dolls into little girls that run and tumble over the tundra creating patches of fat, juicy berries: blueberries, cranberries, salmonberries, and raspberries. The next morning Anana and the ladies fill basket after basket with berries for the Fall Festival and have more than enough berries for agutak at the festival.

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Alaska Northwest Books
Edible Berries
Text © by Teri Sloat and Betty Huffmon; Illustrations © 2004 by Teri Sloat
Found in collection, Chugachmiut Heritage Archive