Peg Calendar

According to the Alutiiq Museum and Archeological Repository, peg calendars came into use when Sugpiaq people began following the Russian Orthodox tradition and needed to keep track of holidays and church calendar days.

"Peg calendars were typically fashioned of wood. Some were small boxes with a calendar carved in the lid. Other calendars were designed to hang on a wall. Each calendar had a flat surface with evenly divided segments representing the months of the year. Each segment had a series of holes representing the days of that month. A small peg was moved from hole to hole to signify the date. Calendars usually started on September 1, the first day of the ecclesiastical year. Special symbols adorned peg holes representing Sundays and church holidays. Each family then added markings to represent special household occasions — family member’s name days and the feast days of beloved saints.

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Siberian fur traders introduced peg calendars to Alaska in the eighteenth century. Used in Orthodox communities throughout the state, they were commonly kept in the eastern corner of the house where religious icons were reverently displayed. A senior member of the household moved the peg daily to track the religious calendar. Although Elders remember using these calendars, they were gradually replaced by American-style paper calendars in the later decades of the twentieth century. Today, many examples can be seen in museum collections."

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Steffian, Amy, "Calendar-Alutiiq Word of the Week-January 3rd," Alaska Native News, Alutiiq Museum and Archeological Repository, 

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Chugachmiut Heritage Preservation
© 2021 Chugachmiut Heritage Preservation
Found in collection, Chugachmiut Heritage Archive