Culture, History and Heritage of the Chugachmiut Level 1

Sandra Angaiak (Creator)
Lennette Ronnegard (Creator)
Rhoda Moonin (Creator)
Becky Norman (Creator)
Trudy Dotomain (Creator)
Sonia Selanoff (Creator)
Christalina Jaeger (Contributor)
Chugachmiut (Contributor)
A collection of lessons developed "to present the history and heritage of the Native people of the Chugach Region of Alaska and to support students as they broaden their recognition of Sugcestun [Sugt'stun]." Pre-K to Kindergarten curriculum units teaching about Chugach identity and history.
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Lower Cook Inlet Sugt'stun Dialect (LCI), Prince William Sound Sugt'stun Dialect (PWS)
Chugachmiut Heritage Preservation
Copyright 2008 Chugachmiut
Chugachmiut Heritage Archive