Photograph 2021.001.027

Cheerleaders at the airport in Port Graham.

Rhoda Moonin: I remember Paluwik had parades and they invited Nanwalek for Fourth of July. They had their own drill team and we had to have our own drill team too. Port Graham on Fourth of July. I thought that was pretty neat. We took turns performing on the airport.
Pat Norman: I think Lydia used to lead them and show them the moves.
Rhoda Moonin: Yeah and Alice used to lead us in Nanwalek. Us girls. I used to get excited to come over to Port Graham for fourth of July. Something to do when we were little.


**Conversation from the March, 2021 Chugachmiut Heritage Quarterly Meeting (Recorded). Participants gave their consent to being recorded and were compensated for their time. 


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Rhoda Moonin (Related)
Patrick Norman (Related)
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Chugachmiut Heritage Preservation
Community Life
© 2021 Chugachmiut Heritage Preservation
Gift of the Family of Vera Meganack
Paluwik/Port Graham (Related)