Harpoon for seal hunting

Harpoon for seal hunting
Harpoon for seal hunting
Pamela Smith (Contributor)
Dawn Randazzo (Contributor)
William Smith (Contributor)
John F.C. Johnson (Contributor)
Brandon Moonin (Contributor)
Brandon Moonin: Inartuq - Harpoon tip in Sugt'stun 

Index:  It was a present for Jacobsen.

John Johnson:  The tip might be made out of copper.

John Johnson: There used to be a copper mine (Kodiak).

William Smith:  Sea otters can travel a very long distance and they are very fast. So you have to successfully aim at them immediately and not miss.

William Smith:  Nuuciq was a prison camp. They were forced to eat the sea otters. The King eats the steak.
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1881 – 1883
Stone, Wood
IV A 6287
Nuuciq/Nuchek (Related)