Gregorieff Recording

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A family Sugt'stun recording filled with song.
Unknown speaker talks in Sugt'stun (Margaret Santuli, Cordova?) -- speakers leave a recording for John. The people (adults and children) sing as well on the recording. Nellie Gregorieff sings many songs in Sugt'stun -- really beautiful and interesting. From Brandon: Irene Reed recording- Nellie Gregorieff Father of Edward Gregorieff. Singing “Tonight, Tonight” song. I can’t remember where I read about this recording, but she sings in Sugt’stun before moving onto I think Greek and Russian. Not entirely positive, but I know she uses different languages. Also, an Irene Reed recording, they were recording various people from Chenega and/or Tatitlek with well wishes/letters for John Levshakoff who I think was sick at a hospital around this time. Same recordings are available on the UAF Alaska Native Language Archive website
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