Open Archive March 31 2023 Translating Simeon Kvasnikoff Intervew

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William Smith (Contributor)
Richard Moonin (Contributor)
Polly Thiele (Contributor)
Priscilla Evans (Contributor)
Nancy Yeaton (Contributor)
Chugachmiut (Contributor)
From 12:12 to 27:20 --

Simeon talks about helping the Elders when he was young and helping them more after work. He says that he used to wonder about his Mom, and that his mom would tell him to hang out with the old men to learn their stories and how to chop wood. We would spend time with the old men, who would give him tea and bread. He was always there to help them as they were with the ones before them, They would tell him that they didn't know anything about God in the past but they always had a feeling that there was something above us. They didn't know what it was though. People would pray to anything, pray to animals, pray with sticks -- they just knew there was a higher power. They heard stories about witchcraft and there was a lot of witchcraft in the early days. They could use the devil against people. They used witchcraft to kill people using the strength of the devil. There was no belief in God then. They didn't know God at that time and they prayed to everything before the Russians came. Before the Russians came they were traveling all over the place, including up to Anchorage area. They were traveling all over the Cook Inlet looking for land and would spread out three at a time traveling in 3 holder qayaqs. 

patakcaggkun = three hole qayaq or three holer boat
cuglerumaukut = to spread out
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March 31 2023
Born Digital
Lower Cook Inlet Sugt'stun Dialect (LCI)
Chugachmiut Heritage
Paluwik/Port Graham (Related)