
Our Elders and community members are the heartbeat of this archive. They are the creators, the owners, and the voices of this collection. Search by their name to see their related records.
Featured Community Members
William Smith“I remember my mom told me that the only thing that connects us all is water, and if you're ever alone all you have to do is put your hands in the water, and you're connected all the way around this world.”
Rhoda Moonin“Like our ancestors taught us, where you caught the animal you put it back so you have more (in the future). Like throwing the fish bones back into the ocean... animals were respected in that way.”
Nancy Yeaton“I love this life. There's values, there's good things by living here, to be able to put your food away, to teach your children about valuing resources, such as the food you receive, the land you get it from, to pray, to be thankful for what you're given.”
Derenty Tabios“The flippers on a seal are a delicacy for us. It's like eating candy... the seal plays such an important part in our diet.”