Imam Cimiucia Our Changing Seas

Created to share how the people of Nanwalek have responded to climate change -- includes descriptions, stunning photographs, and a wide array of quotes directly from community members that propel the narrative.

"Through the dual lenses of Western science and traditional Native knowledge, Imam Cimiucia explores the ecological, social, and economic causes of coastal ecosystem change on Alaska's Kenai Peninsula. Coastal communities there--and the world over--have witnessed dramatic changes in their homes in recent years, and this innovative collaboration brings together the research efforts of marine scientists with the experiences, perceptions, and knowledge of Sugpiaq elders and other village residents whose lives are shaped by the sea. This book offers insight into the resilience--and limits--of marine ecosystems, as well as the vast archive of knowledge and expertise held by different cultures." -From Publisher

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Lower Cook Inlet Sugt'stun Dialect (LCI)
Alaska Sea Grant College Program
© 2011 Alaska Sea Grant College Program
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