Common Edible Seaweeds in the Gulf of Alaska

This work uses photos, illustrations, and text to guide readers through identifying, harvesting, and preparing seaweed for consumption.

This work uses photos, illustrations, and text to guide readers through identifying, harvesting, and preparing seaweed for consumption. A University of Alaska Fairbanks professor emerita in Ketchikan, Dr. Garza was raised in Southeast Alaska where her family harvested seaweeds as a diet staple, a practice they continue today. This book communicates Dr. Garza's traditional Native knowledge. In this updated edition she shares with you her firsthand knowledge about the pleasures of harvesting, preparing, and eating some of the most common and delectable wild edibles found along the Gulf of Alaska coast. More than 25 recipes for seaweed seasonings, snacks, main and side dishes are included.

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Alaska Sea Grant College Program
Alaska Sea Grant College Program